Il Prof. Savona e i ricercatori di Transcrime al meeting annuale dell’American Society of Criminology
Il Prof. Savona e i ricercatori di Transcrime partecipano al meeting annuale dell’American Society of Criminology:
- Il Prof. Savona presenta la relazione “Maritime Piracy in Somalia and Nigeria Today: End or Displacement of a Phenomenon?” nella sessione “War and Transnational Crime: Covariates and Responses”.
- Il Prof. Savona e il Dr. Caneppele presentano la relazione “The Impact of Regulation on Illicit Trafficking of Tobacco” nella sessione “Trafficking, Counterfeiting, and Regulatory Control of Financial Crime”.
- Il Dr. Caneppele e il Dr. Riccardi presentano la relazione “Green Energy and Black Economy: Corruption and Mafia Infiltrations in the Wind Power Sector in Italy” nella sessione “United Nations Panel on Corruption in the Private Sector: Patterns of a Growing Phenomenon in Different Countries and Economic Sectors”.
- Il Dr. Calderoni presenta la relazione “The Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products: One of the Largest Criminal Markets, Still Largely Unknown” nella sessione “War and Transnational Crime: Covariates and Responses”.
- Il Dr. Riccardi presenta la relazione “When Organized Crime Invests in Companies: Figures and Cases from the Italian Experience” nella sessione “Criminals, Legal Business and Sports-related Crime”.
- Il Dr. Dugato e la Berlusconi presentano la relazione “Comparing Space-time Patterns of Maritime Piracy” nella sessione “War and Transnational Crime: Covariates and Responses”.
- Il Dr. Dugato presenta la relazione “The Level and Features of Crime against Business across Twenty EU countries” nella sessione “Existing Victimization Surveys on Crime against Business: Features and Peculiarities of the Phenomenon across Different Countries”.
- La Dott.ssa Berlusconi presenta la relazione “Effects of Missing Information on the Network Analysis of Wire Taps” nella sessione “Calibrating Uncertainty with Quantitative Crime Data”.
- La Dott.ssa Favarin presenta la relazione “The Relationship between Parks and Crime in Europe” nella sessione “The Physical and Social Context of Neighborhood Crime”.
- Il Dr. Giommoni presenta la relazione “Method Counts: Estimating the Italian Cocaine Market” nella sessione “Modeling Issues”.