All publications

3 Jul 2024

Project CAPSULE – Final Report

Collecting and sharing information on the Consumers’ Awareness about the Purchase of SUbstandard and falsified medicines onlinE to support better e-commerce practices

3 Aug 2023

Changing dynamics of drug overdoses in the United Kingdom

An attempt to replicate the Jalal et al. findings of steady exponential growth  …

17 Oct 2022

The theft of medicines in the EU

The study presents some key results collected through the analysis of the theft of medicines and medical devices within the EU and beyond. First outlining  a definition of this crime, the report provides insights on the relevance of studying and analysing this crime, then proceeding to quintify its size. Through…

20 Apr 2022

FATA – From Awareness to Action

The final report of Project FATA – From awareness to action represents the first systematic analysis in Italy that studies the evolution and modi operandi of counterfeiting in online markets. The study develops from the unprecedented collaboration between Crime&tech, spin-off company of Transcrime e Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and…

13 Apr 2022

The Evolution of Illicit Flows

Displacement and Convergence among Transnational Crime

5 Nov 2021


Options for Enhancing Operational Instruments in the Area of Firearms Trafficking

4 Jun 2019

Estimating illicit waste trafficking in Europe

Transcrime Research in Brief

31 Mar 2017


Fighting Illicit Firearms Trafficking Routes and Actors at European Level

15 Nov 2013

The Factbook on the Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products 5 – Germany

This report is part of the project the Factbook on the Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products (ITTP).