All publications
Project CAPSULE – Final Report
Collecting and sharing information on the Consumers’ Awareness about the Purchase of SUbstandard and falsified medicines onlinE to support better e-commerce practices
The trajectories of juvenile deviance
An exploratory study based on data from the Milan USSM
Third Party Risk Management in Italy
Current State and Future Vision
Comparing the criminal careers of organized crime offenders in Italy and the Netherlands
The concept of organized crime has dynamically evolved, with researchers contending that it is a social construct or an umbrella concept encompassing different empirical manifestations. Scholars have often suggested classifying organized crime groups into those involved in “racketeering” or “governing” and those engaged in “transit crime” or “trading.” However, these…
The resilience of drug trafficking organizations: Simulating the impact of police arresting key roles
This research analyses the resistance and resilience of drug trafficking organizations against law enforcement interventions targeting specific operational roles.
Bid-rigging in public procurement: Cartel strategies and bidding patterns
Bid-rigging harms economies and societies. While existing research has primarily focused on quantifying the economic damages resulting from bid-rigging cartels, there is a relative dearth of studies exploring how firms interact and the specific techniques they use to rig tenders. Our paper examines the bidding behaviours associated with…
Cleaning mafia cash: An empirical analysis of the money laundering behaviour of 2800 Italian criminals
Despite the wide reach of anti-money laundering legislation worldwide and increasing media attention, fostered by journalistic leaks such as Panama Papers, empirical knowledge on how criminals launder their illicit proceeds is still scarce. The few available empirical studies show that money laundering (ML) schemes are often less sophisticated than they are depicted…
Security in Retail in Italy 2023
The report “Security in Retail in Italy, 2023: a study on losses, thefts and security measures” is the result of the study conducted by Crime&tech on shrinkage and security in the retail and large-scale distribution sector, with the support of Checkpoint Systems Italia and in collaboration with Associazione Laboratorio per…
Changing dynamics of drug overdoses in the United Kingdom
An attempt to replicate the Jalal et al. findings of steady exponential growth …
Inductive and transductive link prediction for criminal network analysis
The identification of potential offenders, who are more likely to form a new group and co-offend in a crime, plays an essential role in narrowing down law enforcement investigations and improving predictive policing. Once a crime is committed, focusing on linking it to previously reported crimes…