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18 Jun 2024 — Milano

Businesses and Consumers: Implications and Strategies for Combating Impersonation Fraud

On 18 June at 10.00 a.m., Marco Dugato will take part in the conference “Businesses and Consumers: Implications and Strategies for Combating Impersonation Fraud”, organised by Assolombarda in collaboration with Amazon, in Milan. Free registration.

Link to event website
17 Jun 2024 — Milan

Conference: Juvenile Deviance in Italy: Episodes or Transformation?

At the Università Cattolica, we will present a study carried out by Transcrime at the USSM in Milan, in collaboration with the Department of Juvenile and Community Justice of the Ministry of Justice, following a previous mapping of youth gangs in Italy.

Link to event website
13 Jun 2024 — E-lesson

Summer School on Transnational Organised Crime (UNODC)

On 13 June, Marco Dugato will give a lecture at the Summer School on Transnational Organised Crime, organised by the Standing Group on Organised Crime (SGOC) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

Link to event website
10 Jun 2024 — Milan

Conference: Third Party Risk Assessment and Management in Italy

We will present the results of a study on Italian companies’ third-party risk management practices, carried out by Crime&tech-Transcrime-Università Cattolica in collaboration with Lab4Compliance and DEMS-University of Palermo.

Link to event website
06 Jun 2024 — Brescia

Integration and security: addressing the complexity of juvenile violence in the province of Brescia

On 6 June at 6 pm, Marco Dugato will take part in the conference “Integration and security: addressing the complexity of juvenile violence in the province of Brescia”, with a speech on “Criminological analysis of juvenile violence: trends and contributing factors”. The event will take place in Brescia, Piazza della…

23 May 2024 — Milan

The risk of criminal infiltration in Lombardy companies

On 23 May, Francesco Calderoni will present to the Anti-Mafia Special Commission the research: ‘THE RISK OF INFILTRATION OF ORGANISED CRIME INTO LOMBARD COMPANIES’, carried out by Transcrime and Polìs Lombardia, at the Regional Council.

17 May 2024 — Palermo

Conference “Mafie ed Antimafie OGGI”

On 17 May, Prof. E. Savona will participate in the conference “Mafie ed Antimafie OGGI”, promoted by the University of Palermo, taking part in the round table on “Mafia organisations from continuity to transformation”.

08 May 2024 — Milan

Milan Anti-Money Laundering Exhibition 2024

We will present Crime&tech’s services and Transcrime’s research in the AML sector at the AML 2024 Exhibition, of which Crime&tech is a sponsor. The event will be held in Milan on 8 May 2024 at Palazzo Mezzanotte.

18 Apr 2024 — Washington D.C.

Regional meeting on institutional capacities for Anti-money laundering

Michele Riccardi and Giovanni Nicolazzo we will take part to the Regional meeting on institutional capacities for Anti-money laundering, organised by GAFILAT and the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington D.C. We will present our approach to AML and beneficial ownership risk assessment, our DATACROS tool and research on illicit financial…

13 Mar 2024 — Brescia

Protection of places of worship and good practice in interreligious dialogue

On Wednesday 13 March, h. 10am – 12pm, Marco Dugato will present the European project SHRINEs, in which Transcrime is a partner, at the seminar on “Protection of places of worship and good practices in interreligious dialogue” of the PARTES project at the University of Brescia.
