Publishing date 13 Apr 2022
Editors Ernesto Savona
Rob T. Guerette
Alberto Aziani
ISBN 978-3-030-95301-0

The Evolution of Illicit Flows

Publishing date 13 Apr 2022
Editors Ernesto Savona Rob T. Guerette Alberto Aziani
ISBN 978-3-030-95301-0

Displacement and Convergence among Transnational Crime

The book ‘The Evolution of Illicit Flows: Displacement and Convergence among Transnational Crime’ collects the results of project FLOWS, which has been studying Displacement and Convergence in North Africa and across the Mediterranean Sea for almost 2 years.

In its pages it studies how illicit flows in North Africa and the Mediterranean Sea exploit asymmetries in legislation, law enforcement, and other vulnerabilities, while presenting an innovative multimethodology to describe transnational illicit flows.

Finally, it provides policy-oriented recommendations for the implementation of pragmatic strategies and suggestions for further researches.

Learn more about the project

