Michele Riccardi
Deputy Director
Michele Riccardi is Deputy Director and Senior Researcher at Transcrime and Adjunct Professor of Financial and Business information analysis at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and of Risk Assessment Methods at the University of Palermo. He is also teaching Money laundering and Developing Countries at the ASERI – Alta Scuola di Economia e Relazioni Internazionali. His research focuses mainly on organised crime, money laundering, financial crime. In this domain, he has coordinated or contributed to numerous research projects, at national and international level, and has authored numerous publications. He is member of the ARO – Asset Recovery Office of the European Commission, of the Europol SOCTA Academic advisory board, of the Experts group of the EU Supranational money laundering risk assessment (SNRA) and of the Italian National ML risk assessment (NRA). He is member of the UN working group in the measurement of illicit financial flows (SDG 16.4). He has been consulted by FATF/GAFI and World Bank on money laundering and risk assessment initiatives. He holds a PhD in Criminology, a MSc in Accounting and Financial Economics (with Distinction) at the University of Essex (UK) and a MA in International Relations (Cum Laude) at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy). He is co-founder of Crime&tech, spin-off of Transcrime-Università Cattolica.