NEWS - 24 May 2022

Transcrime and Guardia di Finanza Lombardia against mafia infiltration in the PNRR

Yesterday, on the 30th anniversary of the Capaci bombing, Transcrime research center and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore signed with the Comando Regionale Lombardia of the Guardia di Finanza the new partnership for the development of models and indicators aimed at identifying frauds and preventing mafia infiltration during the distribution of public funds for the Italian economy recovery.

The need for this new collaboration, which aims at exchanging information among the two institutions, derives from the criminal use of public funds, first and foremost the PNRR funds or those realted to ecobonuses and superbonuses, repeatedly mentioned also by the Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze and the Ministero dell’Interno.

As Transcrime, we will make accessible the r new analytical methodologies adn indicators for the early detection of situations and firms at risk of financial crimes during the last years. The use of these indicators by the Comando Regionale Lombardia will then allow to widen the number of application and test empirically the effectiveness of these new tools.

This partnership, lasting 3 years, represents a positive example of fruitful collaboration between the research environment and public institutions, and the confirmation of the relevance of the innovative Transcrime research effort for the activity of LEAs and investigative auhorities.


Press Release:  Transcrime – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and Comando Regionale Lombardia della Guardia di Finanza