Publishing date 30 Mar 2021
Editors Mirko Nazzari
Michele Riccardi
ISBN 978-88-9971-938-8

Next Generation AML: Survey among banks and other obliged entities in italy on the use of big data and artificial intelligence for anti-money laundering purposes

Publishing date 30 Mar 2021
Editors Mirko Nazzari Michele Riccardi
ISBN 978-88-9971-938-8

The present study is the first scientific investigation in Italy on the use of artificial intelligence, big data and other technological solutions by obliged entities for AML/CFT purposes. The study, carried out by Crime&tech – spin-off company of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore-Transcrime – and sponsored by SAS, conducted a survey involving 43 obliged entities (accounting for the 46% of the total assets of the financial and gaming industry in Italy), enriched by a focus group and several bilateral interviews with AML/CFT experts.
