Publishing date 9 Nov 2021
Editors EBOCS Project Consortium


Publishing date 9 Nov 2021
Editors EBOCS Project Consortium

European Business Ownership and Control Structures

EBOCS – European Business Ownership and Control Structures is a project funded by the Internal Security Fund (ISF) Police Annual Work Programme 2016.

The study aims at providing simplified and unified access to Business Registries data on business ownership, with the intent of controlling structures through financial analysis and investigations, increasing their level of transparency. In particular, it targets public Counter Crime Agencies (CCAs) involved in the fight against financial and economic crime.


Project EBOCS has worked to have an effective impact on the way in which EU CCAs (i.e. FIUs, LEAs) identify owners of EU legal entities for AML and CFT purposes. Indeed, through the creation of an IT service to perform efficient and quick inquiries regarding ownership and control structures of transnational EU firms, it has improved the ability to successfully detect and prevent international financial and economic crimes.


Transcrime has cooperated as partner of this project coordinated by the European Business Register – EEIG, providing an analysis – the first ever carried out – of data stemming from official beneficial ownership registers across some selected EU member states.

Learn more about the project

