NEWS - 9 Nov 2022

Project PARSEC Kick-off Meeting in Bruges

In these last two days we have joined the Kick-off Meeting of Project PARSEC in Bruges.

PARSEC is a project funded by the European Commission as part of the Horizon Programme, focusing on parcel and letter security in the context of postal and express courier services.

This project aims at delivering a set of solutions by developing, configuring, customising, and piloting innovative tools, services and security management views to fight the abuse of postal and express courier flows for criminal and terrorist purposes.

With PARSEC solutions, postal and express operators, customs, and police authorities will be more capable to fight crime and terrorism, put in place a stronger deterrent, and ensure safe and undisrupted postal and express services.

The consortium, coordinated by CBRA Services, will be composed of Customs Authorities from UK, The Netherlands, Belgium and Hungary, LEAs from The Netherlands and Leicestershire, postal operators and express courier from The Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and UK, research centers as Transcrime, Cross-border Research Association and from the University of Lausanne and the University of Delft, four solutions providers and the Tansported Asset Protection Association.

Transcrime will join the consortium, providing its expertise in the field of risk assessment and risk indicators for the understanding of high-risk routes, concealment methods and risk-levels of high-volume senders and receivers.