NEWS - 22 Feb 2022

Transcrime joins the online conference on “Criminal business and mafias’ transformation”

We are pleased to announce that, on February 25th (10-12 a.m.), our vice-director Michele Riccardi will join the “Criminal business and mafias’ metamorphosis: models for investigative analysis and the interpretation of mafia activity” conference.

The public webinar, which is organized by the University of Naples – Federico II, University of Perugia and University of Molise as part of the series of event Justice, Security, Crime, will be accessible via platform, using the following ID and Passcode.

ID riunione: 820 7353 7561 – Passcode: 269858



Fedele Cuculo, Univ. Chieti-Pescara


  • Federico Cafiero de Raho, Già Procuratore nazionale Antimafia e Antiterrorismo
  • Gabriele Failla, Gen. GdF Antonio La Spina, Luiss Roma
  • Vittorio Rizzi, Vice capo della Polizia di Stato
  • Raffaele Ruberto, Prefetto di Torino
  • Michele Riccardi, Vice-Dir. Transcrime


Sabina Curti, Univ. di Perugia


To find out more about the event, check out the complete Agenda.