NEWS - 26 Jan 2024

Conference: “The dynamics of criminal infiltration in the economy: risks and remedies”


“The dynamics of criminal infiltration in the economy: risks and remedies”


Conference at: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan)
: 21 March 2024
Time: 10:00-18:30
In italian


Innovative methods of infiltrating the economy, emerging forms of criminal entrepreneurship, and sophisticated strategies for concealing and reinvesting illegal profits pose pressing questions about associated risks and effective countermeasures. How can risks be evaluated and monitored? What is the efficacy of the measures implemented in Italy? What role does the banking system and companies play?

The conference on March 21st provides a unique opportunity to explore recent developments in this phenomenon, featuring esteemed guests from universities, prefectures, prosecutors’ offices, and other public bodies, along with representatives from companies and banks. Discussions will focus on the challenges of current prevention and repression policies and the potential offered by new technologies and artificial intelligence tools.

This event is organized by Transcrime – joint research centre on innovation and crime of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – and  ANFACI (Associazione Nazionale Funzionari Amministrazione Civile dell’Interno). Production by Publimedia.

Find out the speakers on the event programme.