NEWS - 11 Oct 2022

Ceasefire Virtual Kick-Off Meeting

On Friday 7th of October, we joined the virtual Kick Off Meeting of Ceasefire – Advanced versatile artificial intelligence technologies and interconnected cross-sectoral fully-operational national focal points for combating illicit firearms trafficking (GA N. 101073876), a project funded by the European Commission within the Horizon Europe Programme.

This project, that will last till September 2025, aims at increasing LEAs abilities to detect, analyze and track activities related to cross-border illicit firearms trafficking through two main activities.

Firstly, the development of advanced Artificial Intelligence (ΑΙ) technologies to facilitate the activities of relevant actors, and secondly the establishment of fully-operational National Firearms Focal Points (NFPs), to reduce currently existing organizational, operational, legal, cooperation and information exchange challenges.

The meeting provided also the opportunity to discuss with the Project Coordinator, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), and the other 19 partners future activities and tasks.

During this project, Transcrime research team, leader of Work Package 2, will focus on: 1) analyzing the most recent modi operandi and trends in firearms trafficking, and 2) managing one of the five use-cases of the project, i.e. the one related to the development of a near real-time firearms incidents tracking tool.