Progetto PON sicurezza 2007-2013
Il riutilizzo dei beni confiscati
This report refers to the project “I beni sequestrati e confiscati alle organizzazioni criminali nelle regioni dell’Obiettivo Convergenza: dalle strategie di investimento della criminalità all’impiego di fondi comunitari nel riutilizzo dei beni già destinati.”
The report has been structured in four chapters, and it a) analyzes the national regulatory framework on the subject of confiscation and reuse of assets confiscated from criminal organizations, with reference to the main financing programs for projects for the reuse of assets through EU funds b) analyzes the projects for the reuse of confiscated assets and the territorial and socio-economic context of reference c) proposes a case study relating to 8 projects for the reuse of confiscated assets d) proposes a decision support model for the evaluation of future project proposals for the reuse of confiscated assets confiscated assets (Mo.Su.D.)