Publishing date 2 Oct 2017
General coordination Ernesto U. Savona
Editors Transcrime and other experts
ISBN 978-88-99719-40-1

Mafias and globalization

Publishing date 2 Oct 2017
General coordination Ernesto U. Savona
Editors Transcrime and other experts
ISBN 978-88-99719-40-1

This report is the result of the work of the members of thematic Table 1 – “Mafias and Globalization” (coordinated by Prof. Ernesto Savona) of the General States for the Fight against Organized Crime of the Ministry of the Interior. The report develops along two tracks: 1. The Italian mafias in the world. Where they are and what they do. 2. The facilitators, i.e. those professionals or institutions that facilitate the internationalization of the mafias and their capitals. In the first track, a detailed analysis of some investigative and judicial sources was conducted. The results give a rough idea of ​​who is there and where and what they do. In the second, the Panama papers are used as a valuable source of information and a recent window into the world of facilitators. Focus on specific aspects of both tracks provide additional information and give an idea of ​​the problems that have to be faced in the fight against the mafias in terms of their internationalization. The recommendations at the end of each of the two tracks open up some avenues for intervention.
