Publishing date 14 Jul 2012
Editors Andrea Di Nicola
ISBN 9788846478788

La criminalità economica organizzata

Publishing date 14 Jul 2012
Editors Andrea Di Nicola
ISBN 9788846478788

Le dinamiche dei fenomeni, una nuova categoria concettuale e le sue implicazioni di policy

Is there a difference whether a fraud against the European Union is committed by entrepreneurs or by mafia members? What if large stock manipulation maneuvers are conducted by groups of brokers or by members of a clan? If a money laundering operation is carried out by an association of lawyers and accountants or by Cosa Nostra? If it is professional criminal organizations or Colombian cartels that are bribing? Economic crimes, increasingly specialized and complex, are a terrain on which white-collar crime and traditional organized crime seem to converge and, at times, meet. It is a gray area made up of connivance, exploitation of off-shore countries and corporate screens, international activities, use of new technologies.
This book is meant to clarify this gray area. Starting from an examination of the literature on economic crime and passing through case studies and trend analysis, it proposes a category of “organized economic crime” which includes, on the one hand, the forms of economic crime perpetrated by organized criminals and, on the other hand, those expressions of white-collar crime that develop in an organized way. The volume also examines the policy implications that derive from the recognition of this conceptual category, which include criminal and extra-criminal measures that start from the idea of ​​attacking the organizational matrix, the heart of organized economic crime.
This book is recommended to sociologists, criminologists, criminal lawyers, operators of the criminal justice system, policymakers and to all those who want to deepen the issues of economic crime, its recent trends and the most appropriate countermeasures to fight it.



The book has been published by Franco Angeli