Publishing date 7 Oct 2022
Editors Ernesto U. Savona
Marco Dugato
Edoardo Villa
ISBN 978-88-9971-932-6

Juvenile Gangs in Italy

Publishing date 7 Oct 2022
Editors Ernesto U. Savona Marco Dugato Edoardo Villa
ISBN 978-88-9971-932-6

Research in Brief

As a consequence of the recent increase in cases concerning groups of young people engaged in criminal or deviant activities, Transcrime, the inter-university research center of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, in collaboration with the Servizio Analisi Criminale of the Dipartimento della Pubblica Sicurezza from the Ministero dell’Interno and the Dipartimento per la Giustizia Minorile e di Comunità of the Ministero della Giustizia developed this new Research in Brief.

The study aims to overcome the lack of knowledge on the subject of juvenile gangs in Italy by producing the first attempt to provide a classification and mapping of their presence in our country.

