Funded by European Commission
Starting date May 2023
End date April 2025


Strengthening EU asset recovery and sanction tracing against transnational high-level corruption

Funded by European Commission
Starting date May 2023
End date April 2025

KLEPTOTRACE will boost the investigation, tracing and recovery of the assets related to transnational high-level corruption and to sanctioned regimes and entities through a combination of (i) research, (ii) training and (iii) data-driven tools. The KLEPTOTRACE toolbox will build on and improve existing tools – including the DATACROS and EBOCS tools – by connecting new asset registers and data beyond firms (e.g. real estate, vessels, asset declarations, sanction lists), and by embedding innovative AI-based risk assessment functions.

The KLEPTOTRACE consortium covers 8 EU countries – 30 European countries indirectly – and involves research centers, LEAs, anti-corruption agencies, FIUs, civil society, journalists and business registers.


The KLEPTOTRACE project was funded by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund under grant agreement No. 101103298.
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