Funded by European Commission
Starting date February 2023
End date January 2025


AI-based framework for supporting micro (and small) HSPs on the report and removaL of onLIne tErroriSt content

Funded by European Commission
Starting date February 2023
End date January 2025

This project supports micro (and small) Hosting Service Providers in achieving compliance with the new requirements and obligations under the Terrorist Content Online (TCO) Regulation, through the development of:

  1. A taxonomy of online terrorist related behaviors;
  2. A specific set of AI-boosted user-friendly tools to enhance capabilities of recognition and removing of suspicious content;
  3. A set of training and education activities, not only on the TCO Regulation content, but also on familiarisation activities with the developed tools;
  4. safe online environment in which anonymously share experiences and useful data, in addition to a risk assessment module and unified reporting form for terrorist-related content and behaviour.

Transcrime will focus on the development of the unified taxonomy of online terrorist related behaviours and the risk assessment module.