Vulnerabilità del territorio e criminalità organizzata
Dr. Francesco Calderoni spoke on the theme of the study “Vulnerability of the area and organized crime” in the program Zarathustra broadcast on Radio Italia anni ’60 Emilia Romagna.
AgendaDr. Francesco Calderoni spoke on the theme of the study “Vulnerability of the area and organized crime” in the program Zarathustra broadcast on Radio Italia anni ’60 Emilia Romagna.
AgendaIn an event organized by the Foundation of Coldiretti “Observatory on Crime in agriculture and the food system”, Prof. Ernesto Savona and Dr. Francesco Calderoni present the preliminary results of the ”European Outlook on Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products”.
AgendaDr. Francesco Calderoni interviewed Ernesto U Savona. It discusses Savona’s background, influences, career and current thinking and activities.
Monica Angelini gives a lecture entitled “Organised crime in Mexico”. The lesson is part of the conference “Migration and Organised Crime in Mexico”, promoted by CROSS of the Università degli Studi di Milano.
Monica Angelini gives a lecture at the Università degli Studi di Milano entitled “Is Mexico a Narco-state?”. The lesson is part of the course “International Scenarios of Organised Crime”, promoted by the Faculty of Political, Economic and Social Sciences of Università degli Studi di Milano.
Michele Riccardi participates in the 2nd Meeting of the Aro Platform Subgroup on Asset Management with a presentation on ” The management of confiscated companies in Italy: figures, trends and challenges “.
AgendaProf. Ernesto Savona and Michele Riccardi participate at the Presentation of the final results of Organised Crime Portfolio (OCP) Project, on Illicit Markets and the Investments of Organised Crime.
AgendaProf. Ernesto Savona, Marco Dugato and Dr. Giulia Berlusconi participate at the Workshop on threat scenarios organized for the IPATCH project during the Transport Security Expo 2014.
Prof. Ernesto Savona and the researchers Luca Giommoni, Alberto Aziani and Valentina Giampietri participate at the conference on Illicit financial flows organized by UNODC and Selec with a presentation entitled “The Balkan route and Illicit Financial Flows: An Analysis”.
Prof. Francesco Calderoni held a seminar on “Application of network analysis of the mafia: current status, current challenges and future prospects.” The event is organized by the Centre international de criminologie comparée, University of Montreal.