All publications
20 Jun 2014
Measuring OC in Latin America
A methodology for developing and validating scores and composite indicators for measuring OC at national and sub national level
16 Jun 2014
2014 Annual Symposium on Evidence Based Crime Policy
Prof. Savona takes a report to the George Mason University during The 2014 Annual Symposium on Evidence-Based Crime Policy on “Macro / micro approach in analyzing crime and policing in Latin America.”…
3 Dec 2013
Assessment of the challenges regarding organized crime in Latin America and proposal on how to measure and how to use statistical data to measure organized crime in the region
3 Jul 2013
Developing And Validating Indicators For Measuring Organized Crime In Latin America
23 May 2012
A framework for the quantification of organized crime and assessment of availability and quality of relevant data in three selected countries of Latin America and the Caribbean
Measuring Organized Crime (OC) is a challenge that policy makers and law enforcement agencies have to face. Enhancing knowledge on Organized Crime is central for taking effective measures and reducing its human, social and economic consequences. This can be particularly important for Latin American and Caribbean countries, since most of…