
Past events archive

25 Oct 2019 — Modena

XXXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Criminologia

Martina Marchesi e Thomas Joyce present the TRAin TRAINING project: Monitoring the risk of terrorist/violent radicalisation in prison.

08 Nov 2019 — Reggio Emilia

Conferenza Internazionale sul contrasto alle attività delle organizzazioni criminali

Prof. Savona discusses the dynamics of mafia infiltration in the legal economy.

25 Oct 2019 — Modena

XXXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Criminologia

Prof. Savona chairs the session ‘Rischi per la sicurezza, rischi della sicurezza’.

15 Oct 2019 — Milan

Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience Europe conference

Prof. Savona presents a report on the dynamics of organized crime and terrorism in the near future and their policy implications.

23 Oct 2019 — Cologne

Symposium “Measures against money laundering and terrorist financing in the European Union”

Michele Riccardi talks about organized crime infiltration in the European economy.

26 Jun 2019 — Montréal

Illicit Networks Workshop

Professor Francesco Calderoni presents the Agent Based Model of the Proton project on the recruitment of organized crime.

17 Jun 2019 — Palermo

Convegno di presentazione dei risultati preliminari di PROTON

Prof. Savona and Prof. Francesco Calderoni participate in the presentation conference of the preliminary results of PROTON in Palermo.

10 Apr 2019 — Milan

Kick-off meeting del progetto DATACROS

At Università Cattolica in Milan, Transcrime hosts the kick-off meeting of the project DATACROS – Developing a Tool to Assess Corruption Risk factors in firms’ Ownership Structure funded by the European Commission DG-HOME.[:]…