Publishing date 29 Oct 2014
Editors Francesco Calderoni

Monica Angelini

Marina Mancuso

Martina Rotondi
ISBN 978-88-8443-567-5

The Factbook on the Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products 7 – Spain

Publishing date 29 Oct 2014
Editors Francesco Calderoni
Monica Angelini
Marina Mancuso
Martina Rotondi
ISBN 978-88-8443-567-5

This report is part of the project The Factbook on the Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products (ITTP).

The project has been developed by Transcrime after the Round Table on Proofing EU Regulation against the Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products hosted by Università Cattolica of Milan, on 5 May 2011. During the Round Table, participants (researchers and policymakers with experience in the field of the illicit trade in tobacco products) agreed on a research agenda concerning the ITTP (Transcrime 2011). Items 3 and 6 of the research agenda focused on the need for better analysis of the tobacco market taking account of its dual nature (i.e. legal and illicit) and on how licit and illicit markets vary across different countries and regions. Given these considerations, Transcrime has developed the Factbook on the ITTP, a multi–annual research plan providing detailed analyses of the ITTP and of its relations with the legal market and other socio–economic and political factors in a number of countries around the world.

The aim of the Factbook is to provide an innovative instrument able to shed light on the complex mechanisms behind the ITTP in different countries. This report focuses on Spain.
