DATACROS – Developing A Tool to Assess Corruption Risk factors in firms’ Ownership Structure (ISFP-2017-AG-CORRUPT-823792) is a research project co-funded by European Union Internal Security Fund – Police, aimed at developing a tool prototype to detect anomalies in firms’ ownership structure that can flag high risks of collusion, corruption and money laundering in the European single market.
DATACROS is carried out by an international consortium coordinated by Transcrime – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy). The other partners involved are:
Beneficiaries of project DATACROS are police agencies and judicial authorities, national and local public bodies (e.g. Anti-corruption agencies, Competition authorities, Contracting authorities), investigative journalists, NGOs and other actors of the civil society.
Project DATACROS lasts 24 months, ending in February 2021.
The final report of project Datacros is now publicly available – CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
The second phase of the project, DATACROS II (Developing a tool to assess corruption risk factors in firms ownership structure), will start in January 2022 and will be co-funded by the European Union Internal Security Fund – Police. It will aim at enhancing the Datacros prototype tool to detect anomalies in firms’ ownership structure for anti-money laundering, anti-corruption and financial crime prevention.
The tool will be tested in operational scenarios by a wide range of end-users: Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs), Asset Recovery Offices (AROs), Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs), Anti-corruption authorities (ACAs), Competition Authorities (CAs), and investigative journalists.
The project consortium, lead by Transcrime, is composed by institutions located in 7 different EU countries (Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, Romania, Lithuania, Czech Republic). Moreover, DATACROS II will involve representatives of international organisations and global networks, such as Europol and the Network of Corruption Prevention Authorities (NCPA).
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