Publishing date 14 Apr 2013
Editors Francesco Calderoni

Stefano Caneppele

La geografia criminale degli appalti

Publishing date 14 Apr 2013
Editors Francesco Calderoni
Stefano Caneppele

Le infiltrazioni della criminalità organizzata negli appalti pubblici nel Sud Italia

This book presents the first research carried out so far on the risk of infiltration by organized crime in public procurement in Southern Italy. Despite numerous alarms, the problem of infiltration in contracts has been overlooked by researchers for many years. On the contrary, the interest of the mafias for contracts has grown, aimed at their enrichment and at maintaining control of the territory.
Through an accurate review of the main official sources and the elaboration of statistics relating to organized crime and procurement, this book constructs a map of the “criminal risk in procurement” and takes a first step in studying the mechanisms of infiltration by criminal organizations in legitimate economy. From this knowledge, attentive and, perhaps, effective prevention strategies can be developed.



The book has been published by Franco Angeli